Adult Fighters Class

Our Fighters Classes are designed for those wishing to compete in Muay Thai fights and tournaments, and also those who want to learn Muay Thai, to add another dimension to their existing mixed martial arts/fighting skill set.

K-Star Muay Thai – Fighter Classes

The fighters class is  exactly that. A Muay Thai program that is designed to meet the specific needs of those who have chosen to step in to the ring and fight.

That doesn’t mean you have to be a fighter to take this class. In fact many of our students simply wish to train at a higher intensity and spar but don’t intend to compete

Those that do wish to fight are mentored by the British Champion, Adrian Maguire and are closely guided in the art of Muay Thai fighting and assisted in preparing for their bouts, giving them the tools they need to be able to compete effectively.

Acting as corner man, Adrian Maguire offers the benefit of real fight experience and provides expert advice and support between rounds for each of our fighters and travels across the country to support them.

Those that do wish to fight are mentored by the British Champion, Adrian Maguire and are closely guided in the art of Muay Thai fighting and assisted in preparing for their bouts, giving them the tools they need to be able to compete effectively.

Acting as corner man, Adrian Maguire offers the benefit of real fight experience and provides expert advice and support between rounds for each of our fighters and travels across the country to support them.

The K-Star Sheldon Fighters Class is where your strength, conditioning and ring craft is finely polished and put in to action. It’s not as scary as it sounds though :-). A K-Star Sheldon there is always a positive family vibe, with our members keen to support each other, and help each other train and improve as fighters.

The K-Star Sheldon Fighters Class is where your strength, conditioning and ring craft is finely polished and put in to action. It’s not as scary as it sounds though :-). A K-Star Sheldon there is always a positive family vibe, with our members keen to support each other, and help each other train and improve as fighters.

Book your FREE Muay Thai Class today!

We know that choosing the right gym is a big decision and that you need to be sure before committing to joining us. That’s why we offer everyone the opportunity to come and see us, speak to us and try out one of our classes. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced combat sports enthusiast, we’re sure you will enjoy what we have to offer.

Call us today 0121 722 3988 to book your FREE Lesson or complete our email form and we will give you a call back to discuss your needs further and book you in.

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